Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our Nation Created, Our Nation Destroyed

(An article by Susan Dale, who incidently spends most of her time as a financial advisor.)

A group of men, from disparate parts of the American colonies, from varying levels of society and with quite different temperaments and opinions, came together in the late 18th Century to create a nation.

What they achieved was a mixture of the ideas of the philosophies of 17th and 18th Century France, the examples of freedoms gained at certain periods in British history, and some quite radical theories on the freedom of man that came from our own home grown thinkers.

Nothing like it had ever been done in the history of the world.

It was a time for excitement, for fear, for resolve, for imagination, for determination, for daring, yet feelings remained mixed as the majority of these men hoped to the end, i.e., the beginning of the Revolutionary War, that reconciliation with the mother country could still be achieved. Even after the war had started, meetings of the rebels would automatically conclude, as in so many past years, with their raising their glasses for a rousing toast of “God Save the King.”

It was undoubtedly the greatest confluence of minds, both thinkers from past centuries, like Charles Henri de Montesquieu, to those of the time who were espousing freedom from tyranny, like Thomas Paine, to have ever come together in history. All the ideas and concepts put forth by these thinkers, writers, philosophers and political agitators were thoroughly discussed and encapsulated into the timeless documents creating the United States of America that survive and provide the rules for the governance of our nation to this day.

Entire article is here on humanevents.com.


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