Friday, November 06, 2009

The end of democracy is near...

Tomorrow's vote on the health-care "reform" bill will be a turning point in American history. If this socialist fiasco gets made into law, our current economic problems will pale in comparison to what is ahead. As the current health care system unravels, the unemployment rate will skyrocket. St. Mary's and Decatur Memorial depend on money reimbursed by insurance companies; when those companies fail, so will the quality of health care available to us all as both of our local hospitals will have to lay off many of their workers. Medicare and Medicaid will not be able to make up the difference.

When people are unemployed, they don't buy much. Grocery stores, retail stores, gasoline stations all will be hit hard. Prices will go up all around while shop owners attempt to recoup their losses from falling sales. Soon those stores will start to lay off workers, or even close.

Many health care workers will likely quit their jobs, especially doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Why? Because 'Right of Conscience' will have been eliminated from the US Department of Human Services rulebook. No longer will health care professionals be able to respectfully refuse to participate in abortion, euthanasia, pro-homosexual counseling or any other procedure or prescription that they personally or religiously feel they cannot participate in. With HR 3926, these professionals would face losing their license if they didn't participate. Many have said they would rather quit their job than be forced to do something that would violate their conscience. When they're gone, who will fill their shoes?

More importantly, where will patients go once these professionals quit? Waiting lists will form as people wait to be able to find a doctor. People will have to wait months to get a CAT scan or MRI, even longer to see a specialist or have an operation. Seniors will see care rationed; those who the government thinks are too big a risk will be denied care altogether. No knee replacements after 70 if Nancy Pelosi thinks it's not worth it. Meanwhile, taxpayer money will pay for abortion on demand and sex-change operations, even in foreign countries.

Is this the USA we want? Is this the socialist hellhole that is the "hope and change" promised by our president? I certainly hope not.

It can be avoided, but only if you, the citizens of Decatur make your voices heard. Call your US representatives and senators today and tell them to vote NO on this horrendous bill. Stop the socialists now before it is too late. Once they wreck our economy and take over more and more business, we will no longer be citizens of the United States of America, but Comrades to the Unites Socialist States of Amerika.

Pray now more than ever


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