Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Ever-Increasing Fascist State

As a student of history, one of the lessons I learned quite a while ago was that if we do not learn from the mistakes made in history, we are doomed to repeat them. Take for example, Nazi Germany. Hitler Youth, massive propaganda campaigns, squashing of resistance (the night of the long knives is coming for us, too, if we do not act!) and disinformation.

Here's a link to another blog called "Sweetness & Light." Check out the similarities between what Nancy Pelosi says about those who protest her and Obama's agenda, and what Obama has done with healthcare reform!!.


I can see it now: "Papers please! Where are your papers?"


Blogger LincolnRepublican said...

With all the beatings from union thugs at these town hall meetings, I can see the comparison.

I can't believe people are buying this!

I'd call Durbin and/or Burris, but you know how that would turn out.

Anyone want to protest anyway? I'm up for it.

7:13 PM, August 09, 2009  

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