Monday, June 01, 2009

Abortionist Murder is Worse Than Abortion

I won't bother to cite any stories in the media; the murder of abortionist George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas yesterday was horrible. It's been reported on by many news agencies.

I won't be long-winded about this. There are several reasons this is horrible.

1) Taking the life of any other human being is murder. Wartime and accidents aside, it's just plain murder. I'm sure the killer somehow justified in his own mind that this was war or 'God told him to do it.' According to scripture, it's murder.

2) Committing murder in the name of Christ is antithetical to the cause of Christianity. A house divided against itself cannot stand. How can Christians be united in our faith when our members do not practice the faith they profess? This problem has been around since Christ's resurrection. Much more of the same doesn't help

3) Committing murder 'in the name of Christ' inside a church simply is probably some of the worst bad publicity the cause of Christianity needs right now. Christians are being attacked at every angle; this only adds fuel to the fire.

In short, two wrongs don't make a right. In this case two wrongs make a larger uphill battle for Christians in the USA. It also has caused the lives of the family and friends of Dr. Tiller to be turned upside down. Pray for them.


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