Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Not-So-Slow Descent Into Socialism

I regret my absence here since the election of B. Hussein Obama. I guess I figured the MSM would cover his majesty's coronation well, and they did. No substance in their reporting, but hey, what would you expect from them?

First, President Obama says he is not going to be divisive "like President Bush was." Then he signs an executive order lifting the ban on federal funding of abortions, not just domestic, but also in foreign countries. I guess if you kill the enemy while they're just millimeters long, it is less messy. If I were in Pakistan, I would be nervous right now.

Then comes the "stimulus bill." What a load of...pork. Limbaugh has deemed it the Porkulus Bill, and I would agree. A lot of spending, no visible means of paying for it, all from the same party that raked Bush over the coals (and justifiably so) for allowing his administration to spend more than it should. I can recall Clinton harping about a "balanced budget" over and over. I guess this is something that B. Hussein Obama considers to be non-essential.

Now, he's wanting to spend billions more to bail out the homeowners who had their homes foreclosed upon because of a lack of ability to pay. Mr. President, it was your party's doing (see Barney Frank, Chris Dodd) who made the banks give out these risky loans in the first place which contributed to the collapse of the banking system, and now you're proposing we foot the bill even more?

The government now has a controlling interest in many large national banks.

The government now has a controlling interest in many large automobile manufacturers.

The government has a growing controlling interest in our tax rates (as in they're going up) while Obama "spreads the wealth around."

Now the government wants a controlling interest in our home ownership.

For all you so-called conservative democrats out there: WAKE UP AND SMELL THE SOCIALISM! Is B. Hussein Obama evil and is this all a hatched plot by him and George Soros to take over the world?

NO. I don't believe it myself. Obama may have good intentions (hey, who wouldn't want everyone to have a home, free health care, stable economy, cheap cars, honest corporate leaders, etc) but his methods are all wrong. FDR tried this in the thirties, and it didn't work. Only WW-II got us out of the great depression. His policies made things worse (see chart below.)

What I fear is that all the while this idealistic inexperienced socialist-inspired president is installing his vain attempts to help us all, the true socialists/communists/autocrats will use these fiascos and their fallout into convincing us that European-style socialism is the only way out.

Germany in the 1930s was in bad shape. Their depression after the Treaty of Versailles was twice as bad as anything we experienced in America after the stock market collapse. All their policies and programs didn't work. The people were desperate. Many voices rang out to help. The one that seemed to be able to offer hope was the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei and their vibrant leader, Adolf Hitler.

Is B. Hussein Obama the "Hitler" here? Of course not. But he could be unwittingly setting us up for a socialist counterpart in the future....if we let him.

And so, to quote Bill O'Reilly, what say you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tax the Rich (Ruling Class)
Feed the Poor (Underclass)
'till there are no rich or poor any more!
Socialism is the only fair economic system.
It's not perfect.
If you know of any perfect economic system ,please share it with the world at large and win the Nobel Prize!
Capitalism, on the other hand, is rapacious,cannibalistic and specifically designed to exploit those held in the "working poor" underclass.
Capitalism depends on a certain segment of the population suffering the negative effects of abject poverty obviously and distinctly resulting from unemployment or under-employment at all times.
It is a system designed by the Rich for the Rich and to hell with any one else.
The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil !
Capitalism is evil.
Oh, Yes it is.
Eric K. Johnson

6:44 PM, May 08, 2009  
Blogger MCR said...

Mr. Johnson, since you are obviously so well educated, please list for me the successes of socialism in the world.

1) USSR - nope, failed.
2) China - biggest polluter, the state kills your non-male babies, largest population, largest contributor of crappy products full of lead paint - failed
3) Cuba - yeah, right. They're doing so well....

Gee. There are no successes.

That means you are WRONG.

Time to go back to college.

8:27 PM, May 08, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you been to Europe?...Canada?
Socialism works quite well in both of those areas of the of them is not that far from Decatur, IL.
You just head North and I don't see how you can miss...seeing what is apparent before your own eyes.
Try to awaken yourself from the Propaganda Matrix?
Thank you for the compliment.
You thought I was college educated like someone from your Class!
Alas,I have only the G.E.D. diploma with which to do battle genius types like you.
I'll do my best but please forgive me if I can't see straight through you and assess your psychological profile.
None of the Countries you cite(except Cuba) ever used the economic system known as Socialism.
I think that means, in point of fact, it is you who are wrong.
Cuba could/would thrive if the Corporate controlled U.S. "Government"( the one that just robbed you blind without a gun) would leave that tiny Country alone... but that would leave a shining example of successful Socialism just ninety miles from our shore...and The Ruling Robber Barons of Capitalism can't have us seeing that, now can they?
We might get the "wrong" idea that everyone in the "Tribe"/Country deserves to be taken into account.
Capitalism is an unwholesome system that does not account for the whole of Society... it's existence is always dependent on the need for an underclass to work for the Rich to keep the Rich Rich. but you already knew that...right?
Hows that system holding up, pal?
Lookin' pretty shaky to me.
I'm sure you will respond with the standard / axiomatic "Republican Nutwing" rebuttal / response.
Could you please vary the scripted talking points( just a little) so I don't bleed from the eyes resulting from excessive boredom?
I imagine you know just about everything from your smarmy elitist tone.
FYI China is a Country that claims to be Communistic.
Perhaps it is you who needs remedial study?...or a G.E.D.?
Try to think for yourself instead of regurgitating what someone told someone else who told you...
You were lied to!...and in your Heart you know I am right.
Eric K Johnson - G.E.D. + Public Library

2:24 PM, May 09, 2009  
Blogger MCR said...

Canada is a socialist country?


Last time I checked, they elected their leaders, passed laws in Parliament, and had a Supreme Court. Mr. Johnson, that is NOT socialism, but a democracy. They may regulate businesses more stringently than in the US, but they are by no means socialist. Capitalism still prevails in Canada.

Europe...could you perchance be referring to the UK? They likewise have an elected Prime Minister, elected leaders in Parliament, and likewise have a court system. They may also regulate businesses somewhat more stringently than in the US, but they are still a democracy. They have thriving businesses that export around the globe. They also import from the US and other countries. Other European countries may have more stringent economic policies, but government does not control all business.

Your take on Cuba is puzzling. The government HAS left Cuba alone ever since it cozied up to the USSR in the 60s. Other than the Bay of Pigs fiasco, we don't go to Cuba, we don't trade with Cuba, we don't have anything to do with Cuba. With the exception of Guantanamo Bay, we do not bother at all with Cuba. Therefore, how is that we need to "leave that tiny Country alone?" We already do. The problems in Cuba are a direct result of the communist/socialist government's decisions.

To attempt to sum up my thoughts in a non-antagonistic style:

1) There is no perfect economic system. There never will be. We, as humans, are by our nature imperfect and always will be. We may do better in some areas than in others, we may make some improvements over time, but the end result still is imperfection.

2) Just because something is broke doesn't mean you throw it away and go for something completely new. If that were the case, we wouldn't have mechanics, laundromats, or the Geek Squad (although with the latter, that is up for debate.) Capitalism isn't the problem currently. It's crime. Crime that has gone unpunished and unregulated. I favor more strict control over businesses, but I am in no way in favor of the government taking them over. What would the country be like if all businesses operated like the DMV, Amtrack or the Post-Office?

3) In order for any of us to buy a car, we would want to see the EVIDENCE behind why this car is good. Mileage, cost, reliability, insurance, brand, resale value...all that. We would want to see how this car HAS PROVEN ITSELF successful. That's where socialism has failed. There aren't any wonderful socialist utopias out there for us to marvel at and say, "I want our country to be like that!!" Theory and conjecture as to why socialism would work better over capitalism, overt communism, or even total anarchy is purely opinion. If we look at the EVIDENCE from history, we see that capitalism (imperfect as it is) allows for more personal freedom and liberty than monarchy, totalitarianism, communism, or even socialism.

I say we do what we can to fix the current system instead of tossing the baby out with the bath water. I can't remember who said it, but I once heard a quote from a former resident of the Soviet Union:

"The only difference between socialism and communism is that in socialism they haven't got all the guns yet."

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

4:03 PM, May 09, 2009  
Blogger MCR said...

Case in point: Excerpt from an article in the National Review dated 5/25/09:

Socialized FailureDissecting health-care data from
Britain, Canada, and elsewhere
by John C. Goodman

The health-care systems of all
developed countries face three
unrelenting problems: rising
costs, inadequate quality, and
incomplete access to care. A slew of recent articles, published mainly in medical journals, suggest that the health-care
systems of other countries are superior to ours on all these fronts. Yet the articles are at odds with a substantial economic

What follows is a brief review of the evidence. As other writers demonstrate elsewhere in this issue, the American health-care system has plenty of problems.
But it is not inferior to other developed countries’ systems—and we should therefore not be looking to these systems, most of which are characterized by heavy government intervention, for inspiration.

8:02 PM, May 09, 2009  
Blogger LincolnRepublican said...

I have some questions for Eric:

Since when are the "rich" the "ruling class" in America? Sure many politicians are rich, but not all. Most of the ones here locally aren't all that well off.

The other thing I noticed was you only mentioned two classes. There are numerous classes. The absolutely destitute, poor but makin' it, middle class, upper middle class, rich, super rich, and then George Soros-rich.

Your definition and understanding of capitalism are also skewed. When capitalism is working real well, unemployment is usually the lowest (like during the Bush administration.)

Have you been reading again?

4:35 PM, May 10, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure many politicians are rich, but not all. Most of the ones here locally aren't all that well off.-
Lincoln Republican too timid too sign his own name in The Land of Lincoln

The people who own them always are!
Those people are your Corporate Ruling Class Masters.
The people including some local politicians are bootlicking sycophants.
Eric K. Johnson

10:39 PM, May 12, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The only difference between socialism and communism is that in socialism they haven't got all the guns yet."- Lil" MCR

No one is going to take your phallic substitute from you so try to relax and you will perform with less anxiety and maybe better results?
I have fired a wide variety of firearms ranging from a 22 caliber derringer to a.300 Magnum Weatherby and never grew even one inch HaHaHa.
I'm glad I was born "tall" ! HaHaHa!
It's not my fault!
This is my weapon ,this is my gun HaHaHa!!!
I'll bet a cup of coffee you pack a long barreled buntline special to make up for any shortcomings in another "weapon" HaHaHa
I amuse myself ! your expense.
Big Eric K. Johnson

10:51 PM, May 12, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When capitalism is working real well,- Lincoln Republican

I hate to cut you short but how well is Capitalism working at the moment?
How is your stock portfolio performing?
Property values?
Can you say depression with a capital D?
This is the second time Capitalism has failed.
I think you make my point for me?
Eric K. Johnson
P.S. Mark Twain was quoted as stating, " No man extols the virtues of Capitalism more than the man who has inherited the Family farm or business".

11:06 PM, May 12, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you been reading again?

I am one of the founding four hundred members of the patriotic American organization MoveOn!
You don't have to like it but you will learn to live with it.
God bless MoveOn!
We helped rid this Country of the brutal Dictator bush and his gang of murderous torturing scum and hopefully will contribute to any effort to hold this criminal gang responsible for their bloody war crimes.
They all may end up in Federal Prison where they belong if convicted.
Only then will the rule of law be restored.
It's coming.
You can weep and moan all you want but your numbers have dwindled until all that is left is a faint, barely audible, whine...just like these war criminals will be whining when they report to Federal Prison.
They may change their "position" on torture while doing life at the Bar Hotel?
Yes? bet your ass they will!!!

Eric K. Johnson

11:24 PM, May 12, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice try trying to shoot down socialism .
No cigar.
Capitalism is an unwholesome system that does not take every Citizen of our Country into account.
Yes or No?
Eric K. Johnson

11:28 PM, May 12, 2009  
Blogger LincolnRepublican said...


1) If my penis could help me defend my family against home invasions and burglars, I'd use it. Since it can't, I'd rather use a Glock or preferably a .357 magnum.

2) If you're calling our local politicans "boot licking sycophants" you're highly misinformed. Democrats and Republicans LOCALLY that I've seen are dedicated to their districts first, not to any ideology or person.

3) We conservatives (both Democrat and Republican) will never let the mindless drones of socialism take our country. Never. That's another reason I want my gun; to help defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

4) Neither MCR nor myself need to take down socialism. History has already done that for us. The fight is therefore against the ignorance that socialists wish to propagate on a society whose history is saturated with socialist failure.

5) AND, might I add, socialism could never win anyway. The God that created the universe has already said HE wins. "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." The 'you' in that verse speaks of Christians, and since socialism and communism MUST exterminate religion in order to survive, the conservatives (Democrat and Republican) are already assured of a victory. HIS victory. If one digs into it deep enough, one will find that is the reason the Soviet Union fell - the influx and growth of Christianity.

Eric, as one human to another, I admire your passion for your beliefs. I admire your tenacity in posting. I hope you someday know that love for one another, treating one's neighbor as one's self, and loving God above all else is the truth path to peace and prosperity for the individual, as well as any nation. No man-made system will ever work well without God. "Apart from me you can do nothing."

Let's both pray for our President, our leaders, and pray that God's perfect will wins out. Not Democrat or Republican, Conservative or Liberal, Socialist, Capitalist, Communist, or any other "ism", but God's Perfect Will.


9:20 AM, May 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If my penis could help me defend my family against home invasions and burglars, I'd use it. Since it can't, I'd rather use a Glock or preferably a .357 magnum.-Lincoln Republican

Why am I not surprised you chose the "Magnum"?

I am a practitioner of the Science of Buddhism so you can cease with your attempts to back your false argument with "God's" blessing.
No living Human knows if any God exists or not.
If you have concrete proof please I pray you publish it here and now.
I,for one. would be delighted to see that proof with my own eyes.

What caliber weapon do you suppose Jesus would have preferred?
"Go forth and study war no more".
Give it a "hard" think?
I amuse myself...again!
Eric K. Johnson

11:37 AM, May 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rightful path to Human salvation is (and only ever will be) by and through relying on what we can confirm using our five senses and no more.
Eric K. Johnson

11:44 AM, May 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We conservatives (both Democrat and Republican)- Lincoln Democratic Republican?

(1) You want to ride in the car with the Democrats now?
(2)Come on, Jump on in like Arlen!
The seats are now much more comfortable than the ones in the Grand Old Republican Pontiac?
(3)You do know you will have to ride in the back seat with Arlen.
Have no fear,,the back seats are equally comfortable.
Eric K. Johnson

12:24 PM, May 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we look at the EVIDENCE from history, we see that capitalism (imperfect as it is) allows for more personal freedom and liberty than monarchy, totalitarianism, communism, or even socialism.- MCR

Your faulty comment illustrates your misperception that Socialism is a form of Government.
Socialism is, in fact, only an economic strategy.
You do know that Capitalism is only another economic strategy?
America is a Democratic Republic.
The form of economic strategy employed in our Country is a matter to be decided by the People/Citizen's/ Voter's of our Country.
Think remedial History/Economics 101?
Start at page one?...and don't skip pages?

Eric K. Johnson

P.S. Several of you say you will never "allow" Socialism in this country and suggest or outright state that you would take up arms in order to prevent the will of the People.
The name for that system is called a Fascist Dictatorship and most all real American's have had their fill of that un-American, brutal, failed form of illegal unconstitutional mis-Government.
All I can positively assure you is that "never" is an extremely long time and none of you are going to be here forever.
You are a dying breed and the proof is in the polls.
37% of the next generation are in favor of employing the economic device/system commonly referred to as Socialism.

Democratic Republic using the "economic system" commonly known as "Socialism".
Get it now?

It's not that difficult of a concept to understand...if that is your actual desire...but of course, it is not.
"Tax the Rich, Feed the Poor 'till there are no Poor no more"!
I think the real stumbling block for some of you who blog here is that you fully recognize there can be no "Rich Ruling Class" without a "Working Poor Class" working their finger's to the bone in order to keep the "Ruling Rich Class" Rich which enables that relatively small segment/Class to continue to Rule !
It's going to sting a little, at first, but you will get used to it...we in the "Working Poor" Class have been forced to "get used to it' for too long and are going to get our fair share of the pie NOW,not when we die, in the sky,
That's a lie!
Pass the pie!...I want my rightful piece/portion while I'm still alive.
Jesus may be holding the Working Poor's piece of pie for later,but many are hungry now...right here in Reality !
Eric K. Johnson

1:43 PM, May 14, 2009  
Blogger MCR said...

LR: Mr. Johnson cannot carry on a conversation without personal attacks. I applaud your appeal, but it won't work. Like his socialist predecessors, he feels he only looks better when he personally bashes the competition.

Any future drivel coming from him will be deleted. Any future intelligent conversation from him will be encouraged.

9:19 PM, May 16, 2009  
Blogger MCR said...

Drivel deleted

5:29 PM, May 18, 2009  
Blogger MCR said...

Drivel deleted.

1:32 PM, May 20, 2009  
Blogger MCR said...

The rightful path to Human salvation is (and only ever will be) by and through relying on what we can confirm using our five senses and no more.

Eric K. Johnson
How sad.

Eric, have you ever seen the wind? You can see the effects of the wind, but have you ever seen the wind? Since you can't see it, can't taste it, can't hear it (only its effects on other objects, including yourself,) can't smell the wind, nor can you feel the only feel its effects on the air around you.

Since you can't see, hear, taste, smell, or feel the wind, it must not exist. However, you do see the effects of the wind. You see the leaves blown around, you hear it howl around a window, you might be able to smell what's in the air or taste something blown around, or feel the effects of the wind as it blows against your face....but you can't use your five senses to sense *it.*

Something to think about.

7:23 PM, May 20, 2009  
Blogger BA Moonshadow said...

MCR, I hadn't been here in a while. Wow, what a stream of conciousness I have missed. Some misguided commentary, for sure.

Just for the record, yes, I agree that we are descending into a form of socialism that I, as a constitutional conserative, do not like.

A man in a boat pulling up a drowning victim is logical and morally correct. A person in the water, swimming, because he has no boat, pulling the boater into the water, just to even things up, makes no sense and is not morally correct.

12:41 PM, May 22, 2009  

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