Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Not-So-Slow Descent Into Socialism

I regret my absence here since the election of B. Hussein Obama. I guess I figured the MSM would cover his majesty's coronation well, and they did. No substance in their reporting, but hey, what would you expect from them?

First, President Obama says he is not going to be divisive "like President Bush was." Then he signs an executive order lifting the ban on federal funding of abortions, not just domestic, but also in foreign countries. I guess if you kill the enemy while they're just millimeters long, it is less messy. If I were in Pakistan, I would be nervous right now.

Then comes the "stimulus bill." What a load of...pork. Limbaugh has deemed it the Porkulus Bill, and I would agree. A lot of spending, no visible means of paying for it, all from the same party that raked Bush over the coals (and justifiably so) for allowing his administration to spend more than it should. I can recall Clinton harping about a "balanced budget" over and over. I guess this is something that B. Hussein Obama considers to be non-essential.

Now, he's wanting to spend billions more to bail out the homeowners who had their homes foreclosed upon because of a lack of ability to pay. Mr. President, it was your party's doing (see Barney Frank, Chris Dodd) who made the banks give out these risky loans in the first place which contributed to the collapse of the banking system, and now you're proposing we foot the bill even more?

The government now has a controlling interest in many large national banks.

The government now has a controlling interest in many large automobile manufacturers.

The government has a growing controlling interest in our tax rates (as in they're going up) while Obama "spreads the wealth around."

Now the government wants a controlling interest in our home ownership.

For all you so-called conservative democrats out there: WAKE UP AND SMELL THE SOCIALISM! Is B. Hussein Obama evil and is this all a hatched plot by him and George Soros to take over the world?

NO. I don't believe it myself. Obama may have good intentions (hey, who wouldn't want everyone to have a home, free health care, stable economy, cheap cars, honest corporate leaders, etc) but his methods are all wrong. FDR tried this in the thirties, and it didn't work. Only WW-II got us out of the great depression. His policies made things worse (see chart below.)

What I fear is that all the while this idealistic inexperienced socialist-inspired president is installing his vain attempts to help us all, the true socialists/communists/autocrats will use these fiascos and their fallout into convincing us that European-style socialism is the only way out.

Germany in the 1930s was in bad shape. Their depression after the Treaty of Versailles was twice as bad as anything we experienced in America after the stock market collapse. All their policies and programs didn't work. The people were desperate. Many voices rang out to help. The one that seemed to be able to offer hope was the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei and their vibrant leader, Adolf Hitler.

Is B. Hussein Obama the "Hitler" here? Of course not. But he could be unwittingly setting us up for a socialist counterpart in the future....if we let him.

And so, to quote Bill O'Reilly, what say you?