Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why Exactly Does Blago Want To Subpoena Obama?

I ran across this copy of the motion filed 4/22/10 by Hot Rod Blagojevich (D-IL) former governor of Illinois in an attempt to subpoena President Barack Hussein Obama, former US Senator (D-IL) with regard to the almost ebaY-type sale of the former US Senator's senate seat.

There are numerous spots blacked out in the pdf copy of the motion, so the meat of what was being said we won't know about for years, BUT....from what you can make out--this does not look good for the President AT ALL.

Methinks Rod is not as nutty as we all have portrayed him; methinks his unfading confidence of his "innocence" may be based in the belief that B.O. will not want to let any stink of this situation get out in all of it's gory detail and would therefore do whatever it takes to help Rod beat the rap. soon does the Freedom of Information Act apply to all of this? ;-)