Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
State of the Union 1/27/2010
As I have done once before with President George W. Bush, tonight I will blog on President Barack H. Obama's SOTU speech as I hear it live.
8:05 PM Still waiting.
8:06 PM BHO hi-fiving and shaking hands and hugging people. (Michelle looks a little stern.)
8:07 PM (on FoxNews) Sarah Palin discussing/shredding Obama and his "leftist views."
8:10 PM Nancy Pelosi's hair looks flat tonight.
8:11 PM Nancy "Botox" Pelosi announces the Prez.
8:12 PM Obama starts...
Obama gives a colorful rendition on the history of the SOTU.
Yeah, yeah, yeah we know we've been through a lot.
Vain attempts at trying to substantiate the "stimulus" (porkulus) addition to the national deficit.
He thinks we all look to government to solve all our problems?, BHO. It's called personal responsibility. In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. Government IS the problem.
8:15 PM He says he's not been more hopeful about America's future than he is tonight. Oh boy. Why are you soft on national defense? Why are you Mirandizing enemy combatant terrorists? Ugh.
8:19 PM He's blaming the banks for causing the "financial crisis." What about Barney Frank and Chris Dodd? He says he hated the bank bailouts....I think he likes his control over the banks. No, BHO, you have no viable way of quantifying the "jobs saved" etc., that you purport. It's all a load of "hooey."
8:20 PM Now he wants to further punish the banks by fining them! He says they have the ability to pay out big bonuses, so they should have the money to pay him fines....hmmm. How much money did the US Gov't (Pelosi, Reed, et al and their entourage) spend on the vacation to Copenhagen? MILLIONS for NOTHING! Oh boy.
8:21 PM Cut taxes 25 times? Really? Where? Significantly? or just marginally Mr. President? (I'd like to see the figures on this.) The trouble is, he's going to raise taxes exponentially with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts let alone what may come with the Health Care crap if it passes. He will punish anyone or any business making more than $250,000. That's just about every business in the country!!!
8:22 PM He's saved jobs?!?! How in the world can you claim this with UNEMPLOYMENT HAS REACHED OVER TEN PERCENT! That's an increase, not a decrease! What a load!
8:23 PM Recovery Act Stories....stories indeed. A few people who praise socialism.
8:24 PM Calling for a new jobs bill? Once he raises taxes (as promised) there will be no way businesses will be able to hire anyone.
8:25 PM Small businesses are the key. Right, BHO, but the way to allow small businesses to make it in this economy is to lower taxes for them AND larger businesses AND everyone else in the country....and stop punishing the banks. He's taking money that was borrowed, then lent to banks, then paid back to the government, and now he's going to lend it other banks so they can lend it out again? What are the strings on these loans, BHO? That's not money you can loan, that should be money you should pay off!!
8:28 PM He's funding a "hi-speed" railroad?!?!? Holy Crap! Amtrak is broke and has been since it's conception (another failed bailout.) This will be a big waste of money, people.
8:29 PM Tax breaks. Wow, he sounds like Bush. Wish they were more comprehensive.
8:30 PM "The only way to move to full employment is to lay a foundation to long term economic growth."'s called tax breaks for all of us. Kind of like the Bush taxcuts. What a concept.
8:31 PM China isn't waiting to improve their own economy. Uh...they don't have the restrictions we do, the "green" initiatives, the EPA, etc. Nor do they pay their workers a living wage. They are a communist nation where the people live in squalor while the "Party" lives in luxury. Kind of like you and me vs. Pelosi/Obama in Copenhagen.
8:33 PM He says that since banks were the cause of the financial crisis that he should control the banks so this won't happen again. The trouble is, the DNC (Clinton, Dodd, Frank) caused the financial crisis through pressured risky loans, therefore we should control THEIR access to power.
8:35 PM Energy stuff. He still hasn't said anything about expanding drilling to lessen our dependency on foreign oil. Non-fossil fuel stuff is great, but it can't be the only thing, and definitely not now when our economy is in the crapper. Climate change isn't a crisis. We can be better stewards of our resources, but spending a gazillion dollars on pipedream stuff like this NOW instead of cutting spending is ludicrous.
8:39 PM We only reward success (education stuff.) Not in California you don't. If you want a world class education, get it out of the hands of the government!! The last thing we need to do is throw more money at our failing public schools (failing not because of lack of resources, but because of lack of morals and a lack of common sense.) I do like increasing tax credits for those financing their kids education.
8:43 PM He's going to forgive educational debts after twenty years? So, all I have to do is pay the minimum payment and keep kite-ing the debt until the 20 years is up? How does he define "public service?" ACORN? Planned Parenthood? Oh boy.
8:45 PM He says Health Insurance Reform is essential to middle class families' financial crisis. BHO, we've know what Saul Alinksy wrote, and we know what you're up to. Everyone on a Medicare-type insurance is NOT progress. Bankrupting insurance companies is not progress. Government control is not progress. Rationing care would bring down the deficit by 2 trillion over the next 20 years, yes, but only because you'd deny care to seniors!!! BHO, you've increased the deficit by more than that in the last year since you took office!!! Our health care system is not that bad off!! You're attempting to scare people into voting for this. Doctors think this is better? Not according to the masses who are not in the AMA leadership! Let's remove the barriers to affordable PRIVATE insurance not bash the insurance companies into bankruptcy so the government can conveniently take over.
8:50 PM Health care reform (raising taxes to increase entitlements) will not help the economy. It will only hurt it.
8:51 PM Blaming Bush for everything. He's blaming Bush for HIS DEFICIT SPENDING! What a load of crap! Now he says he wants to reign in HIS SPENDING! Now come the tax increases. He's going to freeze gov't spending for three years starting in 2011. Not a bad thought; I'd take a look at what you're spending stuff on NOW and reform HOW YOU SPEND before you reform what you spend. The biggest portion of the porkulus bill was NOT stimulating anything, but rather PORK. Hippocrites the whole way!!
8:55 PM Still blaming Bush for DNC mistakes. "Common sense." Get the Dems out of office, that sounds like common sense. We face a deficit of trust. Yes, especially with leftist communists. "It'll be on CSPAN." "The unemployment rate won't go over 8 percent."
8:57 PM He just bashed the Supreme Court. "I don't think elections should be bank-rolled by special interests." Uh....BHO, where did that 600 million come from you got for your campaign? How much did George Soros REALLY give you? Earmark reform? Take a look at the Porkulus package!!! How can you say you want earmark reform when your administration has been the biggest producer of earmarks since time began?!?!!?!?
9:00 PM He wants the GOP to stop campaigning, although half of what he's said tonight is propaganda for his party and almost all of his public appearances, speeches, etc., has been a huge campaign for himself and his leftist agenda. Politics stops progress? Uh, no, socialism, communism and a leftist agenda will rob every American of their rights, our guns, our freedom in general. "Saying no isn't leadership." That was Pelosi's mantra when GWB was in office!! The party of NO, remember? What a crock! BHO, if we think you're on the wrong track, we will not allow you to run us into socialism.
9:05 PM Cracking down on terrorism? Mirandizing them is NOT cracking down. (By the way, the H&R had a headline stating that BHO has CONTINUED THE INTELLIGENCE POLICIES OF BUSH!!! Check it out.)
9:07 PM He's going to end the war. All combat troops out of Iraq by August. Did you hear that Al Qaeda? Achmadinijad, get your troops ready for an invasion in late August or early September! I'd choose September 1st. It would be only fitting that the appeasement of Chamberlain that led to the Nazis invading Poland on September 1, 1939 would be "honored" by Iran invading Iraq under the blessing of BHO's appeasement of Islamofascists and the left-wing blogs. You heard it hear first!
9:10 PM He wants to have control over all the nuclear weapons in the world (or at least know where they are.) breach for us? What country is going to let the world know where it's nukes are so their enemies know where to aim theirs? Not sound judgment...unless....
Sounds like when Nicolae Carpathia got control over all the worlds nukes, doesn't it?
9:14 PM It took him over an hour to even mention Haiti. "America must always stand on the side of freedom and human dignity." Except when it's not politically expedient; then we get the troops out by August.
9:14 PM What are "common values?" How does one define them? WHO defines them? "Hate Crime legislation" is only a gag on free speech. Gays in the military? The joint chiefs scowled big time. He wants to secure our borders?!?!? I thought the dems wanted all the illegals for themselves?!?
9:15 PM I think I just saw a camera shot of the TOTUS. I'll have to scan back later and make sure.
9:17 PM TV pundits....I'm sure Hannity and Beck are feeling very proud right now.
9:18 PM "I can't do change alone." No, you can't, and you won't. We don't want socialism and we will not allow you to push it through. Socialism is NOT what the next generation needs.
"...they fought on even when success wasn't assured." No, they fought on because of what they believed in: Judeo-Christian values. They DID HAVE a guarantee that if they believed and fought for what was right in the eyes of God, that God would honor His Word and bless them. In your reality, you are asking us to put our faith in socialism and Obamunism; there is not guarantee there will be blessings; in fact, history has proven that socialism fails wherever and whenever it has been tried. Therefore you will not get the unity you want.
9:20 PM The speech is finally over. All in all I still believe he is an excellent speaker; unfortunately his "facts" are mostly opinion, and his conclusions about the future are based on HIS view of socialistic expansion of government and a tightening of control over banks, education, the economy, and the phony global warming crapola. He blames Bush for all of his troubles, and greatly exaggerated "successes" of his porkulus bill. He scolded the Supreme Court on national TV for their recent decision on campaign contributions from businesses!!! Whoa! (I find it laughable that he talks about campaign reform when HE took over $600 million from unknown donor(s.)
He's given the GOP and every other non-DNC candidate a wealth of quotes and quips for many campaigns to come.
9:30 PM GOP rebuttal from Gov. McConnell from Virginia. He praised BHO for putting Jobs as a number one priority. He quotes Jefferson's words on Laissez-Faire. He points out BHO's every-increasing spending and debt increases but thinks the spending freeze is a good first step, but it's too little. Government needs to be smaller as the excessive growth of government threatens out prosperity.
No Obamacare; no big bills made behind closed doors. Simple reforms to allow insurance purchases across state lines. Tort reform as part of HCR.
Offshore drilling! WOW! Nice addition to an energy policy! No CAP and TAX; expand nuclear, expand drilling.
Education: Yes to vouchers, more scrutiny on teachers.
Defense: No to cutting and running out of Iraq so Mahmoud can have his larger Iran. No Mirandizing of enemy combatants; no spending of money to defend terrorists, just to defeat them.
Socialism: No to control over banks, companies, lending, automobile makers, etc. Free enterprise and liberty. Government close to the people governs best. No government program can match our own compassion for the people in Haiti. He quoted scripture!! "To whom much is given, much is required." (And no, that's not a quote of Uncle Ben from Spiderman, that's Luke 12:48 that Uncle Ben quoted to Peter Parker!)
9:42 PM He's gone over the ten minutes he promised his sons. A strong response filled with specific reasons why BHO can't have his unity; there is a fundamental difference between the philosophy of governing between the truly democratic fundamentals of conservatism vs. the heavy-handed iron-fisted control and uncompromising rule that the Obama socialism requires.
We need to choose people. Do we want socialism, or do we want conservatism? Let's follow the example of the people of Massachusetts and vote the leftists out!
8:05 PM Still waiting.
8:06 PM BHO hi-fiving and shaking hands and hugging people. (Michelle looks a little stern.)
8:07 PM (on FoxNews) Sarah Palin discussing/shredding Obama and his "leftist views."
8:10 PM Nancy Pelosi's hair looks flat tonight.
8:11 PM Nancy "Botox" Pelosi announces the Prez.
8:12 PM Obama starts...
Obama gives a colorful rendition on the history of the SOTU.
Yeah, yeah, yeah we know we've been through a lot.
Vain attempts at trying to substantiate the "stimulus" (porkulus) addition to the national deficit.
He thinks we all look to government to solve all our problems?, BHO. It's called personal responsibility. In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. Government IS the problem.
8:15 PM He says he's not been more hopeful about America's future than he is tonight. Oh boy. Why are you soft on national defense? Why are you Mirandizing enemy combatant terrorists? Ugh.
8:19 PM He's blaming the banks for causing the "financial crisis." What about Barney Frank and Chris Dodd? He says he hated the bank bailouts....I think he likes his control over the banks. No, BHO, you have no viable way of quantifying the "jobs saved" etc., that you purport. It's all a load of "hooey."
8:20 PM Now he wants to further punish the banks by fining them! He says they have the ability to pay out big bonuses, so they should have the money to pay him fines....hmmm. How much money did the US Gov't (Pelosi, Reed, et al and their entourage) spend on the vacation to Copenhagen? MILLIONS for NOTHING! Oh boy.
8:21 PM Cut taxes 25 times? Really? Where? Significantly? or just marginally Mr. President? (I'd like to see the figures on this.) The trouble is, he's going to raise taxes exponentially with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts let alone what may come with the Health Care crap if it passes. He will punish anyone or any business making more than $250,000. That's just about every business in the country!!!
8:22 PM He's saved jobs?!?! How in the world can you claim this with UNEMPLOYMENT HAS REACHED OVER TEN PERCENT! That's an increase, not a decrease! What a load!
8:23 PM Recovery Act Stories....stories indeed. A few people who praise socialism.
8:24 PM Calling for a new jobs bill? Once he raises taxes (as promised) there will be no way businesses will be able to hire anyone.
8:25 PM Small businesses are the key. Right, BHO, but the way to allow small businesses to make it in this economy is to lower taxes for them AND larger businesses AND everyone else in the country....and stop punishing the banks. He's taking money that was borrowed, then lent to banks, then paid back to the government, and now he's going to lend it other banks so they can lend it out again? What are the strings on these loans, BHO? That's not money you can loan, that should be money you should pay off!!
8:28 PM He's funding a "hi-speed" railroad?!?!? Holy Crap! Amtrak is broke and has been since it's conception (another failed bailout.) This will be a big waste of money, people.
8:29 PM Tax breaks. Wow, he sounds like Bush. Wish they were more comprehensive.
8:30 PM "The only way to move to full employment is to lay a foundation to long term economic growth."'s called tax breaks for all of us. Kind of like the Bush taxcuts. What a concept.
8:31 PM China isn't waiting to improve their own economy. Uh...they don't have the restrictions we do, the "green" initiatives, the EPA, etc. Nor do they pay their workers a living wage. They are a communist nation where the people live in squalor while the "Party" lives in luxury. Kind of like you and me vs. Pelosi/Obama in Copenhagen.
8:33 PM He says that since banks were the cause of the financial crisis that he should control the banks so this won't happen again. The trouble is, the DNC (Clinton, Dodd, Frank) caused the financial crisis through pressured risky loans, therefore we should control THEIR access to power.
8:35 PM Energy stuff. He still hasn't said anything about expanding drilling to lessen our dependency on foreign oil. Non-fossil fuel stuff is great, but it can't be the only thing, and definitely not now when our economy is in the crapper. Climate change isn't a crisis. We can be better stewards of our resources, but spending a gazillion dollars on pipedream stuff like this NOW instead of cutting spending is ludicrous.
8:39 PM We only reward success (education stuff.) Not in California you don't. If you want a world class education, get it out of the hands of the government!! The last thing we need to do is throw more money at our failing public schools (failing not because of lack of resources, but because of lack of morals and a lack of common sense.) I do like increasing tax credits for those financing their kids education.
8:43 PM He's going to forgive educational debts after twenty years? So, all I have to do is pay the minimum payment and keep kite-ing the debt until the 20 years is up? How does he define "public service?" ACORN? Planned Parenthood? Oh boy.
8:45 PM He says Health Insurance Reform is essential to middle class families' financial crisis. BHO, we've know what Saul Alinksy wrote, and we know what you're up to. Everyone on a Medicare-type insurance is NOT progress. Bankrupting insurance companies is not progress. Government control is not progress. Rationing care would bring down the deficit by 2 trillion over the next 20 years, yes, but only because you'd deny care to seniors!!! BHO, you've increased the deficit by more than that in the last year since you took office!!! Our health care system is not that bad off!! You're attempting to scare people into voting for this. Doctors think this is better? Not according to the masses who are not in the AMA leadership! Let's remove the barriers to affordable PRIVATE insurance not bash the insurance companies into bankruptcy so the government can conveniently take over.
8:50 PM Health care reform (raising taxes to increase entitlements) will not help the economy. It will only hurt it.
8:51 PM Blaming Bush for everything. He's blaming Bush for HIS DEFICIT SPENDING! What a load of crap! Now he says he wants to reign in HIS SPENDING! Now come the tax increases. He's going to freeze gov't spending for three years starting in 2011. Not a bad thought; I'd take a look at what you're spending stuff on NOW and reform HOW YOU SPEND before you reform what you spend. The biggest portion of the porkulus bill was NOT stimulating anything, but rather PORK. Hippocrites the whole way!!
8:55 PM Still blaming Bush for DNC mistakes. "Common sense." Get the Dems out of office, that sounds like common sense. We face a deficit of trust. Yes, especially with leftist communists. "It'll be on CSPAN." "The unemployment rate won't go over 8 percent."
8:57 PM He just bashed the Supreme Court. "I don't think elections should be bank-rolled by special interests." Uh....BHO, where did that 600 million come from you got for your campaign? How much did George Soros REALLY give you? Earmark reform? Take a look at the Porkulus package!!! How can you say you want earmark reform when your administration has been the biggest producer of earmarks since time began?!?!!?!?
9:00 PM He wants the GOP to stop campaigning, although half of what he's said tonight is propaganda for his party and almost all of his public appearances, speeches, etc., has been a huge campaign for himself and his leftist agenda. Politics stops progress? Uh, no, socialism, communism and a leftist agenda will rob every American of their rights, our guns, our freedom in general. "Saying no isn't leadership." That was Pelosi's mantra when GWB was in office!! The party of NO, remember? What a crock! BHO, if we think you're on the wrong track, we will not allow you to run us into socialism.
9:05 PM Cracking down on terrorism? Mirandizing them is NOT cracking down. (By the way, the H&R had a headline stating that BHO has CONTINUED THE INTELLIGENCE POLICIES OF BUSH!!! Check it out.)
9:07 PM He's going to end the war. All combat troops out of Iraq by August. Did you hear that Al Qaeda? Achmadinijad, get your troops ready for an invasion in late August or early September! I'd choose September 1st. It would be only fitting that the appeasement of Chamberlain that led to the Nazis invading Poland on September 1, 1939 would be "honored" by Iran invading Iraq under the blessing of BHO's appeasement of Islamofascists and the left-wing blogs. You heard it hear first!
9:10 PM He wants to have control over all the nuclear weapons in the world (or at least know where they are.) breach for us? What country is going to let the world know where it's nukes are so their enemies know where to aim theirs? Not sound judgment...unless....
Sounds like when Nicolae Carpathia got control over all the worlds nukes, doesn't it?
9:14 PM It took him over an hour to even mention Haiti. "America must always stand on the side of freedom and human dignity." Except when it's not politically expedient; then we get the troops out by August.
9:14 PM What are "common values?" How does one define them? WHO defines them? "Hate Crime legislation" is only a gag on free speech. Gays in the military? The joint chiefs scowled big time. He wants to secure our borders?!?!? I thought the dems wanted all the illegals for themselves?!?
9:15 PM I think I just saw a camera shot of the TOTUS. I'll have to scan back later and make sure.
9:17 PM TV pundits....I'm sure Hannity and Beck are feeling very proud right now.
9:18 PM "I can't do change alone." No, you can't, and you won't. We don't want socialism and we will not allow you to push it through. Socialism is NOT what the next generation needs.
"...they fought on even when success wasn't assured." No, they fought on because of what they believed in: Judeo-Christian values. They DID HAVE a guarantee that if they believed and fought for what was right in the eyes of God, that God would honor His Word and bless them. In your reality, you are asking us to put our faith in socialism and Obamunism; there is not guarantee there will be blessings; in fact, history has proven that socialism fails wherever and whenever it has been tried. Therefore you will not get the unity you want.
9:20 PM The speech is finally over. All in all I still believe he is an excellent speaker; unfortunately his "facts" are mostly opinion, and his conclusions about the future are based on HIS view of socialistic expansion of government and a tightening of control over banks, education, the economy, and the phony global warming crapola. He blames Bush for all of his troubles, and greatly exaggerated "successes" of his porkulus bill. He scolded the Supreme Court on national TV for their recent decision on campaign contributions from businesses!!! Whoa! (I find it laughable that he talks about campaign reform when HE took over $600 million from unknown donor(s.)
He's given the GOP and every other non-DNC candidate a wealth of quotes and quips for many campaigns to come.
9:30 PM GOP rebuttal from Gov. McConnell from Virginia. He praised BHO for putting Jobs as a number one priority. He quotes Jefferson's words on Laissez-Faire. He points out BHO's every-increasing spending and debt increases but thinks the spending freeze is a good first step, but it's too little. Government needs to be smaller as the excessive growth of government threatens out prosperity.
No Obamacare; no big bills made behind closed doors. Simple reforms to allow insurance purchases across state lines. Tort reform as part of HCR.
Offshore drilling! WOW! Nice addition to an energy policy! No CAP and TAX; expand nuclear, expand drilling.
Education: Yes to vouchers, more scrutiny on teachers.
Defense: No to cutting and running out of Iraq so Mahmoud can have his larger Iran. No Mirandizing of enemy combatants; no spending of money to defend terrorists, just to defeat them.
Socialism: No to control over banks, companies, lending, automobile makers, etc. Free enterprise and liberty. Government close to the people governs best. No government program can match our own compassion for the people in Haiti. He quoted scripture!! "To whom much is given, much is required." (And no, that's not a quote of Uncle Ben from Spiderman, that's Luke 12:48 that Uncle Ben quoted to Peter Parker!)
9:42 PM He's gone over the ten minutes he promised his sons. A strong response filled with specific reasons why BHO can't have his unity; there is a fundamental difference between the philosophy of governing between the truly democratic fundamentals of conservatism vs. the heavy-handed iron-fisted control and uncompromising rule that the Obama socialism requires.
We need to choose people. Do we want socialism, or do we want conservatism? Let's follow the example of the people of Massachusetts and vote the leftists out!