Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Globe Is Cooling

Link forwarded from a friend.

As predicted by many notable scientists, and reported by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al, the globe is cooling.

Read it for yourself.

Then, please tell all your friends and neighbors. Get the message out that we do NOT want higher taxes to pay for projects based on junk science!!!

Friday, October 09, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize?!?

I would love for our local libs to please list for me the accomplishments of Barack Hussein Obama that qualify him as a Nobel laureate.

What has he done?

Increase the deficit by trillions by his "stimulus" (all Pork)
Increase taxes
Under-equip the military, esp. in Afghanistan
Made America look weak by apologizing to everyone on the planet
Waste time on Chicago's Olympic bid while ignoring his military commanders on active duty

To sum it up: He's killing our country off. Perhaps that's why they think there'll be peace. We won't have the strength to defend ourselves.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Monster Mash

courtesy of JibJab, characters added/edited by me.

Now this IS scary.

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