Friday, March 28, 2008

Murtha Should Resign

Given today's news John Murtha should resign.

Two of the three marines originally charged in the Haditha case have had their charges dropped. Only the commander's case is still pending.

According to John Murtha, these men were all guilty many months ago. Nice and patriotic of Murtha to support our troops by doing away with all that messy investigation and substantiation of facts business.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama WAS In 'God Damn America' Service!

According to this Newsmax article which will likely be broadcast over TV and radio this coming week, the church services where his spiritual advisor and close friend Rev. Wright said "God Damn America" were indeed services that Barak Obama attended, despite his denial of ever hearing the words before.

Not only did he attend, but he sat through the whole sermon, and even nodded in agreement.

Do we want this "hate America first" type of person in the White House?

I do NOT think so.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama's Earmarks Over $740 MILLION

No, not those earmarks...

According to THIS STORY at Newsmax, B. Hussein Obama attempted to earmark $1 MILLION to the hospital where his wife works, and successfully earmarked $1.3 MILLION to the company where one of his national finance committee members is on the board of directors.


I think not.

Remember people, Mr. B. Hussein Obama is from the Chicago political machine. Perhaps he took a tip from Blago on how to do business?