Hillary is done...But what of Obama?
Obama in Kenya 2006, dressed as a Somali elder
For intents and purposes, Hillary is done. Obama, the charmer, has pulled ahead in delegate terms and unless his people catch the Arkansas flu, he will most likely win the nomination.
What exactly does Obama stand for? 'Hope.' 'Change.' Hope for, what? Change to, what? According to statements made by B. Hussein, he's going to raise our taxes exponentially while giving Osama Bin Laden the same rights as U.S. citizens. He's been voted the newest "most liberal Senator" and I can see why.
I still stand by my earlier post: Regardless of politics, who has the most experience? It's not B. Hussein, and it's not Mrs. Bill Clinton.
To keep safe, to reign in the $874 BILLION in new spending proposed by B. Hussein, and to put the most experienced candidate in the White House, there's only one choice: John McCain.
But in an unrelated story...
This just came in, and to be honest it has me EXTREMELY CONCERNED. According to this story the IRS is investigating the church/denomination that B. Hussein belongs to because they say a speech given by Obama at his own church "violated restrictions on political activity for nonprofit groups."
Since when does free speech end at the church door? I do not agree with the racist statements made by members of B. Hussein's church, nor am I comfortable with their ties to Louis Farrakhan. However, as Evelyn Beatrice Hall has said, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
We in the Christian community believe that those who follow Christian principles best (and therefore submit themselves to the Will of God) should make the best leaders. If we believe that another candidate for an office does not follow these principles and therefore would not be a good candidate, we should be able to make those statements. I do not agree with this "IRS" investigation. No matter how misquided the Obama Church is, they still should have the right to free speech.
This is what 'Big Government' will do for you...