Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
About As Popular As A Root Canal
" Rasmussen found this month that 63 percent of African Americans, 75 percent of Democrats and liberals, 77 percent of Cook County voters, 83 percent of women and 85 percent of independents rated Blagojevich's job performance as fair or poor. If his "friends" think that way, you can imagine how his political enemies rate him. It ain't pretty. "
All this, and Blago isn't even fighting a war against Islamo-fascism! The Illinois Republican Party had better step up their search for a good candidate.
The results of the last gubernatorial election from Macon County showed that the majority of republicans wanted Bill Brady and not Judy Barr-Topinka. I would hope that Mr. Brady is ready for action in 2010. I would have hoped that it was he who had been slated to go up against Dick Turban instead of an unkown doctor from Chicago. This candidate (Steve Sauerberg, M.D. of La Grange) may be a good guy, but his lack of experience will not help him in a race with Dick Turban.