Wednesday, February 14, 2007


With the retched smell of fossil fuel exhaust and the stench of ever-increasing carbon dioxide filling the air, I took a couple of hours this morning out of my usual work day to shovel about two feet of crystallized "global warming dust" off my driveway so I could go to work.

This is the worst snow we've had in 30 years. It's been the coldest winter I can remember for at least 15 years. I heard someone say at lunch today the same thing; they thought about every 10-20 years we get a cycle of a real cold and heavy snow winters for 3-5 years, and then milder, less precipitous snow the years in between. I'm not sure where to look this up (I'm sure our local weather reporters do.)

Anyway, I've got a call in to Al Gore, Jr. (inventor of the Internet) to see if he could come by tomorrow to help me shovel more global warming off my porch. So far, no answer.


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